Monday, September 24, 2007


As most of you know, I lost my mom to cancer on Feb. 6, 2006. She would have been 60 years old this week - September 26th. Birthdays were a big deal in our family. My mom especially loved her birthday!

When my daughter (who just turned 8 this month) was born, I asked my mom, "did you ever love me this much?" She told me, "I still do!" I couldn't understand why I didn't feel that magnitude of love. The last 2 weeks of her life, I would hold her hand and whisper "I love you" and she responded with "I love you more than you will ever know." Until you have children, it is almost impossible to imagine how much a mother loves!

I miss my mom so much! I miss having family dinners, game night and birthday celebrations, long and short phone chats and buying birthday presents.

I pray today that you will love on your family and others in a big way - without regret! The greatest commandment is LOVE.

Love in Christ, Sheri