Saturday, October 25, 2008

Leader of the Day

We have Leader of the week.


In my home, as the oldest sibling, I had the wonderful (not) privilege of babysitting my sister - looking after her - helping make sure she picked up her things - help her get snacks, etc. As the oldest, I was junior police, a compliance officer (obey or get a fine) and very much a dominate leader!

If you were the younger sibling, I bet you remember getting - bossed by someone like me :)
- maybe you had to follow everything that they did. What are your memories?

Birth order stereotypes are hysterical - especially if you listen to Kevin Leman (author) talk about them! Well, I didn't want my kids to only have their sibling order stereotypes.

We invented Leader of the Day. Why, day you ask? Leader of the week (when the kids are young) doesn't hold their attention enough.

Leader of the Day is "in-charge." Each of our kids get to practice being leaders in our family. favorite part - the oldest get an opportunity to FOLLOW! This is so good because if you can't follow, you can't really be a good leader.

It is pretty cute to see my 4 year old telling her 9 year old sister that her room is out of order (or whatever it is that day).

You decide the privileges of leader of the day in your home. Try it for 1 week and I bet you will be SOLD.

Warning - this adjustment will be hard, but good for the oldest.

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