Friday, August 31, 2007

Field Trip #1

Homeschool is COOL! I got to take all my kids (during school hours) to Braum's (a dairy here in OK).

After seeing their plant and understanding production, I don't even know how anyone else can sell milk in the state of Oklahoma!

Check it out!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Faith of a Child (Part 1 or 2)

My 5 year old is trying to read her whole bible. We have finished the OT and are in the NT (pretty early on). She begs to read her bible. This is her 4th children's bible, but this one is the biggest one yet (more words and pictures than ever).

Recently, I was reading to her about when Jesus sat on a hill and taught all the people. It was so crowded that He had to sit in a boat. She stopped me and with a joyful, sincerely loving heart said, "mommy, I just wish I could have lived in the time that Jesus walked on the earth. I want to sit with Him, listen to Him and just be with Him all the time!"

To be continued....

Friday, August 24, 2007


when you homeschool, you need to wake up and homeschool. Today, I was just so tired and a little grumpy (who me? yes, me). my daughter was doing everything the opposite of what i directed. we both cried and took a nap!

Now that was successful day! :O)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Homeschooling 101

Who would have thought that this manager with a big public accounting firm (lost as I could be) would be found by the Lord, blessed with children after unsuccessful marriage attempts and now find myself HOMESCHOOLING my children!??

Everyone at my firm thought that I would stay and make partner I was so motivated, but what they didn't know was that I got my value from my work! I was so insecure, but I had perseverance and determination! This made me great at work! However, I was just as insecure as ever and empty on the inside!

Once God got my heart, I was forever changed - Inside Out! It wasn't overnight - it is a continuous journey!

This is our first year to homeschool - our 2nd grader! What have I learned so far? I have learned to just take every opportunity to HUG and ENCOURAGE my children BY name! The love in our family is overflowing! Praise God for this time to build them up in HIM and HIS word!