Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fully Supplied!

I LOVE supplies!  I was the supply queen at my work!  I had a post-it note stick that would make any paper stick temporarily.  I loved the little tabs that go on folders.  I had 2-hole punches, 3 whole-punches - a travel name it.  I love the smell of new folders, markers and crisp new paper!  

Yes, I am a Supply Nerd!  How about you?  What's your favorite supply?  

I went to my hometown last weekend and notebooks were on-sale for $.05 (yes, 5 cents!). Amazing!  I bought 17 pads of paper (all for less than $1.00).  

I love that in Christ, I HAVE all the supply I am EVER going to need!  I don't need MORE of God - I don't need MORE of anything.  He has made a FULL deposit of Himself in me!  I love His supply! 

Share your supply passion with me!  :)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey Sheri! I am so glad I'm not the only one with the love of office/school supplies! I love them. Just ask my husband - anytime he brings a new pen home, I swipe it. Usually within 24 hours. So now he just doesn't bring home the ones he wants to keep. :O)

I had fun meeting you at the conference. Sorry for so long to respond. We should email. Are you on facebook?

Take Care - Laura B